The Lasting Impression Of Experiences


In the ever arising moment that is the now, our body is showing up in direct proportion to the sum total of all that came before. In the exact moment of the now, everything that we have assimilated (consciously and subconsciously), is informing our receptivity of what is, in this exact moment.

The way our body-mind has learned to adapt within its life, is in direct proportion to the degree to which we are able to integrate experiences that have left an impression within us. 

I invite you to consider an experience which has challenged you, specifically in a way that has left you with a feeling of being unresolved. In reflection of this experience, begin to tune into the qualities of sensations that move within your body as you activate this experience within the forefront of your awareness. What emotions begin to move within you? What thought patterns become enlivened within you? How has this experience created a filter upon other actions within your life? How might your relationship to this experience provided you with support within your life? How has your relationship to this experience created barriers and limitations within your life? Is there room to shift your perspective of this experience, to see it from another vantage point? 

Through an explorative reflection  process, we can guide ourselves through collecting all parts of our experience into the whole and in this way, arrive into the fullness of who we are, using the wisdom  embedded within our sensory experience.

At its deepest essence, the chiropractic adjustment allows for rich body-mind processing, so that all which has become lodged within our consciousness and expressed within our body, can have the opportunity to integrate within our being. After all, what we are thinking and feeling (whether we are consciously aware of it or not), is being expressed through the tension within our body. As the tension comes out of the system, the consciousness that was holding that tone together also becomes liberated. As the body releases the physical and emotional tension, the brilliance of the body-mind’s own awareness expands. As a direct result of this expansion, the more alive we begin to feel, the more embodied we become, the more authentically we are able to connect with others, and the more frequently we are able to notice and respond to the subtle signs that life gives us, directing us even more clearly towards that which will support us at our more sincere level of being.


Yoga Nidra, The Magic Of Gathering In Community


Chiropractic and Your Little Ones