Yoga Nidra: Interfacing The Continuum Of Your Consciousness


The practice of Yoga Nidra has been an incredible tool in expanding my consciousness in becoming aware of its own continuous nature. 

What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra is a type of guided meditation practice. During the practice of Yoga Nidra, one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness, activating an awareness that is in the liminal state between waking and sleeping. In this practice, the body-mind accesses a deep relaxation through the expansion of inner awareness with one’s own consciousness. When the attention of one’s self draws its focus upon itself, the consciousness seemingly softens in recognition of what’s there, while simultaneously expanding as the depths of what’s occupying one’s self come online. 

As you can imagine, through doing this practice, the mind naturally falls into a quiet rhythm of sweet relaxation. When the body is relaxed, the body is receptive. When the body is receptive, awareness expands, the expansion of awareness brings greater relaxation, which brings more receptivity and so on. 

Why you should try the practice?

The state of our consciousness exists in a continuum: there is no actual break or disruption of the true core of that consciousness. Often times the differentiation between one state and another can seemingly appear as this and then as that. For example, I am awake (alert, here, present) compared to I am asleep (unalert, passed out, away). If we can start to bridge the gap between the superficial perception of separation, we can expand the sense of our awareness and in doing so become more present in the moments that confluence to make up our life.

Through my experience, the expansion of my own awareness through Yoga Nidra, has unlocked the observation of the continuation of my consciousness. In my past, there used to be times when I felt breaks in my state of being as I was doing one thing and then clearly doing another, gear shifting to this and then to that. As I’ve engaged with this practice, the perceived barriers of differentiations of states of being have melted away, and all that is left is just me: a continuous state of I Am and within that, an awareness of the multitude of occupations of experiences that this I Am state occupies.

The chiropractic adjustment restores your nervous system in better handling whatever stress you do have..better…so that you an function as the best version of YOU. 

For the reasons shared above, it is my deepest joy  to create a space to offer this practice regularly. Currently you can find my offering of Yoga Nidra in San Francisco (at NorthPoint Chiropractic and Family Wellness) as well as in the Walnut Creek area (stay connected with via my Instagram @ Dr. AlandiStec and via my newsletter for updates on location date and times). 

I greatly look forward to sharing this practice with you! 

“Meditation connects me into the quietness of my existence and the sensitivity of my awareness.”

Dr. Alandi Stec, DC, Reiki Master


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