Meditation… see how your life will change!

When I first began formally studying yoga, my teachers kept talking about how much life would change with daily meditation. They proposed the invitation to sit for five minutes a day. And with a sparkle in their eyes said “...and see how your life will change!”

I remember sitting down for meditation with my fresh inspiration bestowed upon me from that glimmer and shimmer within my teachers’ eyes.

Five minutes.

Easy, right?

As I arranged my meditative posture and closed my eyes to “settle in,” I instantly discovered how unsettling and wildly turbulent this “quiet” and “serene” practice was quickly becoming. 

The activity within my mind space was like a hurricane that just thrashed mental activity around and about.

Five minutes? I couldn’t barely stand one!  

Since those initial beginnings, I have learned how to quiet the activity of the mind to arrive at the serenity within the presence of my own existence. Now, I sit daily for 24 mins (one pranic revolution), sometimes more. 

And as my initial teachers had alluded…my oh oh my…how my life indeed changed (more on that for another post).

The learning of how to cultivate a meditation practice derived from other teachers who offered me a direct experience of accessing the meditative state. Through practice, again and again, which turned into days, then weeks and now years…I have found tremendous richness in my life unfolding as a direct result.

I directly experienced the mental turbulence and heightened activities, and challenge with what it could mean to sit “still” and immersed in a “quiet” beingness. 

For this reason, I have created a week-long meditation course available for you, whenever you feel ready and called to either begin learning how to meditate or to expand upon a practice you already have established. 

How To Cultivate A Meditation Practice is available now.
Click here to learn more about the course and to get going with your meditation practice today!

I can’t wait to see how your life will change
from the incorporation of this week-long course into your life.

With Radiant Love,


Sound Bath & Reiki, Workshop & Experience


Guided Meditation For The Active Mind