Guided Meditation For The Active Mind

Have you ever noticed how disconnected from your body you can be? Have you ever experienced how sometimes you can be so in your head, moving from one thought to another, that you’ve completely lost connection with any feeling within your body? Or maybe you’ve noticed all the thoughts moving through your head and the idea of a reality where no thought streams, is totally unimaginable.

The more we can move away from the chatter of our mind and the inner narrative that’s creating an active dialogue of our life, the more we can drop into the intimacy of the reality that’s actually unfolding within and around us.

This very reality happens before the level of conscious thought. 

This reality is pure experience, pure sensation, pure feeling, pure presence. 

One fastrak way to arrive into the dissolve of the mental chatter happens through practices that rebalance our nervous system.

Chiropractic and mediation are complementary practices that do just that.

For this reason, I created a week-long course to support the practitioner, you, through establishing a meditation practice with guided practices. This course is called “How To Cultivate A Meditation Practice” and is available NOW, online, via my website. 

The mind can be turbulent and quite active, this mental tension can lead to physical tension that can create all types of limitations within our body’s movement and physiology. As we learn how to soften the turbulence within our mind through centering within our body, our nervous system learns to restore its receptive state of awareness. The receptive state is where the higher consciousness of our being comes online and the innate intelligence within our physiology can perform at its highest level to support the given needs of our body's homeostasis. 

I wholeheartedly invite you to explore this week-long meditation course. Let’s see together what expands within your life from the week together! 

With Radiant Love,


Meditation… see how your life will change!


Yoga Nidra at NorthPoint Chiropractic